Missouri Good Neighbor Week
September 28th – October 4th is Missouri Good Neighbor Week.
Signed into law in 2022, Missouri Good Neighbor Week encourages citizens of Missouri to “participate in events and activities to establish connections with their neighbors.” In 2024, our goal was to document 20,000 acts of neighboring. We surpassed the goal by over 10,000 acts! For 2025, we have set an even more audacious goal: 35,000 acts of neighboring. Help us reach the goal! Nominate your most engaged neighbor, plan acts of neighboring during the week and be sure to let us know what you do so we can count your neighborly kindness toward our goal.
Nominations for the 2025 Most Engaged Neighbor Award are Now Open!
Do you have a neighbor who goes above and beyond to help others? We want to know about that person. We are looking for Missouri’s most engaged neighbors again this year! Each year we are blown away by the neighborliness you tell us about, and we can’t wait to hear more. Nominate your most engaged neighbor using this link.
All nominees will receive a small gift for being nominated. Winners will be announced during Missouri Good Neighbor Week.
Why count?
Some of you have questioned why we count. You are kind and humble people, and you want to do neighborly acts without acknowledgment. And we applaud your humility! But what we’ve learned over the years about doing this is that people are inspired to action by action. When they see others’ good deeds, it inspires their own. So, share with us what you are doing. What serves as a humble act of neighboring to you might just spark inspiration in many others.

Big Results from Missouri Good Neighbor Week 2024
Extension councils, individuals, organizations and cities worked together to host events and encourage Missourians to reach out in kindness toward their neighbors and it resulted in a record number of engagement in 2024.
Five cities were named the Most Neighborly in Missouri. Discover the names of those top five and what made their participation special.
122 individuals were nominated as one of Missouri's Most Engaged Neighbors, and 22 were selected for special recognition. See if you recognize any of the names.
10 reports acts of neighboring were randomly drawn from submissions this year for a gift. But those 10 all packed a punch with great outreach ideas!
Keep the Movement going!
Continue doing acts of neighboring through the year and register them on the map.
Read More About Missouri Good Neighbor Week
2023 Best Acts of Neighboring
2023 Most Engaged Neighbors
Sartin names Seymour’s ‘Good Neighbor’
“Good Neighbors” in Webster Groves
Statewide Partners
University of Missouri Extension is a valued and trusted educational solution to improve the quality of life in Missouri, the nation and the world.
The Hopeful Neighborhood Project inspires and equips everyday neighbors to pursue the common good right where they live by providing free events and resources at www.hopefulneighborhood.org.
Local Missouri Habitat for Humanities are partnering with Missouri Good Neighbor Week to repair, rebuild and restore communities around Missouri. Click here to find your local Habitat for Humanity location.
Contact: David Burton, burtond@missouri.edu, 417-881-8909
Jennifer Prophete, jennifer@hopefulneighborhood.org, 833-343-1509
Statewide Partners:
University of Missouri Extension
The Hopeful Neighborhood Network
Local Partners:
Check in your area to see who is involved
Municipalities (check with your local city office)
Extension Councils
Habitat for Humanity
© 2024 | Missouri Good Neighbor Week